C'est Live

vrijdag 24 juni 2011

Thursday June 23

Thursday June 22, 2011: St. Peter Port, Guernsey to Torquay, U.K.

The crew of the Boekanier got up very early this morning: 05:30 CET.
We wanted to leave the harbour at six o'clock in order to have the favourable current around the South part of the island.
Monique was brought ashore with the dinghy by Sam and waved us goodbye from the pier.
Indeed we took off at six, together with three other yachts and in no time we were sailing with full sails in South direction.
As soon as we rounded the South-West corner of the island, the waves hit us.
The wind was more North then expected, so we ended up far to South-West, before we could turn in a more Northerly direction.
Soon we understood that due to the high waves we could not keep the course direction Plymouth.
With reefed sails, fighting the, what the English call: “a choppy Channel” we finally set our course for Start Point.
Close to Start Point we connected again with our telephone providers and we could get in touch in Monique. She was at that momemt still in Weymouth, waiting for her train. We told her that we shall land in Torquay.
It was after sunset that we entered the bay of Torquay.
We arrived safe and sound in the Torquay Marina at 00:45 on June 24.
A quick steigerborrel and then all of us went to sleep immediately.

Monique's story of her trip was quite different. She waited till the Boekanier left the harbour and then set off for a big walk to South Guernsey. She walked for about 7 hours. At first she saw a sign for a Manor, so she zigzagged through many lovely streets really enjoying the country side and cottages. The manor was off course closed so early in the morning, but she saw another sign with Huet mill and pottery and went that direction. It was a beautiful road through the woods with a little stream alongside the road. From there she took the cliff path to St. Peter Port and had a stunning view over the sea and cliffs. She even saw the Boekanier fighting against the waves. Back in St. Peter Port she asked if there was a earlier ferry to Weymouth, but unfortunately not. At 4.30 pm she left St. Peter Port with the fast ferry and arrived in Weymouth at 6.00 pm. At the railway station the only train to Plymouth should depart at 20:21 hrs. Unfortunately the conductor of the train was ill, so she had to wait for 22:00 hrs until a train came. With two gentlemen she got into the train and the train headed for Bristol. Our connection to Plymouth was already gone. We travelled about 1,5 hrs north and at a station the conductor ordered a taxi for us (British railways pays!!)taking us along tiny roads through the country side to Torquay. I arrived at 01:30 hrs. UK time in Torquay.
After several calls to the crew Sam answered his cell phone and opened the gate of the harbour for me. Finally I was back on board and fell sound asleep.

We will keep you updated.
Cees, Sam, Monique and Oscar.

1 opmerking:

  1. Je kaartje is trouwens ook binnen. Het is zo leuk! Nog twee weekjes en dan ben ik mama en jji weer opa.

    Doe je voorzichtig? Kleine Junior zit van ongedult te dansen...*
